Stage 4: Next part

What's new
Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, dec 3 02:09
Brcked MiddleEarth Im still working on bringing my brick creation into real thing
Written by: Rogdush

Stage 3: Finishing foundation

What's new
Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, nov 14 00:34
Brcked MiddleEarth Finishing foundation under way.
Written by: Rogdush

Stage 2: Foundation

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Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, nov 8 12:19
Brcked MiddleEarth The next stage is to build the foundation for the new set. It will be truly something different from Bree Town.

Written by: Rogdush

New idea for a little change

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Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, nov 6 16:43
Brcked MiddleEarth While exploring Middle-earth in LOTRO once again, a crazy idea came to my mind and I couldn't resist.
Written by: Rogdush

Buildings on marketplace

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Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, nov 4 14:23
Brcked MiddleEarth Creating an interior for each building and stairs can be time-consuming, although still think its worth the effort.
Written by: Rogdush

Buildings cellars on marketplace

What's new
Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, nov 2 01:01
Brcked MiddleEarth I continue to work on the marketplace and wonder how to fill the interior of these two buildings.
Written by: Rogdush

New part of Bree under construction

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Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, oct 29 19:55
Brcked MiddleEarth As announced, I would like to present another part of the city of Bree, which I am currently working on and in the process of building.
Written by: Rogdush


What's new
Brcked MiddleEarth
2023, oct 29 17:46
Brcked MiddleEarth Hello everyone! I thought it might be a good idea to start writing some news on Midbrisic. As sets don't appear here very often for a specific reason.
Written by: Rogdush
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