Welcome on Midbrisic!

Brcked MiddleEarth

This is a website devoted exclusively to structures and sceneries created in Tolkien's universe, which every LOTR fan knows to a greater or lesser extent. It is truly a very extensive world that can be explored for years. I consider Tolkien to be a master at creating a world and maintaining consistency. It is truly brilliant to be able to create a world with solid foundations for so many years, constantly expanding it with new threads.

Couple words...

It would be worth to introduce myself. As for me, I am an old programmer by profession who still remembers receiving the LEGO 6349 Holiday Villa set as a gift as a 6-year-old kid. What endless joy it was in trying to put it together. LEGO was always present in my childhood, although not as much as I would like. I always dreamed of building the brilliant sceneries that were available in LEGO catalogs back in the days. For some time, my passion for LEGO bricks went dormant until 2014. This was when, as an adult, I started collecting all possible sets from the 80s and 90s and all childhood aspirations were awaken. I was very determined to collect as much as possible. The moment had come when I could fulfill my childhood dream of building all those sceneries from LEGO catalogs and even more. That's why I created the Clabrisic website to share my ideas and photos of sets in sceneries as I see it. This is also part of the reason why this site is called Midbrisic. As I am a programmer and have been creating websites for many years, it was also a moment to use my own framework. This certainly allows for greater freedom in the way of presentation.

Why Midbrisic name?

It is a name derived from Middle-Earth. The ending, however, is a derivative of my main website about LEGO, i.e. Clabrisic. This name was composed using consonants of Classic Bricks. Ultimately, the idea is for the name Midbrisic to represent the world of Middle-earth from a bricks perspective. Own sets, or MOCs as you prefer, are marked as MIDS on this website. Middle-Earth Set by expanding. All the MOCs by this time are created by me here. Although I do not rule out that it may be created by someone else in the future.

Where did the idea for Midbrisic come from?

I have been a fan of LEGO bricks since I was a child. Even though I had a break for a certain period of my life. Nevertheless for almost 10 years now I have been more or less active again in assembling various things from bricks. Honestly, what I liked most about the sets from the 80s and 90s was consistency and systematicity. There were only a few themes, but each was refined and created with passion. New sets arrived each year in a similar style. Whenever I wanted to build a castle scenery, I had 10 sets to choose from. Each with at least four alternative structures as suggestions on the back of the packaging. I think that was crucial. I very much regret that the LEGO group has, in a sense, abandoned this idea. There are a lot of cool and sometimes brilliant sets with many themes and sub themes, but there is no coherence and systematicity. I understand that some sets were released only for AFOLs, such as Rivendell or the last fortress of Eldorado. Well, why not make a theme out of it, why not give a series of sets, including small ones, medium ones, etc. To arouse the desire to have all of them from a given theme, like it was 30 years ago. Oh well, I'm digressing too much. It was supposed to be about Midbrisic!

Brcked MiddleEarth

I am also a fan of LOTRO, the only MMO game in the LOTR universe that has been existing for 15 years! It is a real masterpiece, created with passion for many years. You can explore most of Tolkien's world there with many interesting stories. I can say when someone feels deficiency after Jackson's movie, you should check the game. LOTRO is completely faithful to the books. You can find everything there, and you can play this game for thousands of hours. I have been playing LOTRO from practically the beginning, with a break of several years as well. This is the only game that can keep you engaged for a long time and there is always something you can do.
For some time now I have also started collecting new sets, although I am a bit picky about it. I'm not so interested in sets from LEGO City or cities in general, but rather those from Icons. Rivendell was something I bought 2 hours after release. I haven't been so excited about release of new set for some time. Likewise the fortress Eldorado, Galaxy Explorer or even Delorian from back to the future. Of course, the lock was also released a year ago, brilliant design. I really like these buildings and I can congratulate the LEGO designers for their interesting ideas and effects. I'm talking about this because at the beginning of 2023 the idea came to my mind to create something from scratch using new bricks. For me, Clabrisic is reserved only for old elements. I don't use any bricks released after 1996 there. However, I also wanted to create something from scratch and be able to divide it into sets that can then be combined into a whole. This is how Midbrisic was created, as a combination of LOTR or LOTRO with bricks. Two things I like and know.

What you can find on Midbrisic?

Brcked MiddleEarth
West gate in Bree

I must admit that my main inspiration is the world of LOTRO. However, it is a very extensive and limited world in one. For example, most of the buildings in games are dummies, you can't enter every one, only specific ones. However, from the outside they create a very interesting scenery. Moreover, the space in the game is unlimited, and when it comes to bricks, everyone knows that the more terrain there is, the more space and the more bricks you need. That's why I'm trying to make a compromise here and build smaller but more accurate structures. Many times I have to improvise and create something new myself.
For example, you can see some comparisons below from the buildings I have already created.

Brcked MiddleEarth
West gate in Bree
Brcked MiddleEarth
West gate in Bree

Brcked MiddleEarth
Stable in Bree
Brcked MiddleEarth
Stable in Bree

Sometimes I just improvise and The Twisted Bell Inn is an example of it. There's no such thing in LOTRO, but I did some research and apart from the Prancing Pony, there was also a Twisted Bell Inn in Bree. The Bree town is not so small to have only one Inn, especially in Middle-earth.

Brcked MiddleEarth
Random building in Bree
Brcked MiddleEarth
Twisted Bell Inn

Why Bree? someone might ask. Actually, it started out of with designing west gate and then I just went on with it. I wanted to create something on a large scale, divided into parts, so that I could always add something new to the whole. I have many ideas, but modularity and consistency are keys to me. I must admit that at the beginning I was also thinking about Minas Tirith on a larger scale divided into parts, although I have put the topic aside for now.

How MIDS buildings are created?

Firstably I design all buildings in LEGO Bricklink Studio. I have my own software to analyze resources and easily determine what is missing in my collection to create a new structure. By importing orders from Bricklink/BrickOwl and models from Studio, I can easily control my brick inventory and quickly determine what I need to buy. This is indeed very important in my creation, without it I would easily got lost. The next stage is to create instructions for the building.

Brcked MiddleEarth
Taxidermist Instruction

This is very important. I experience this every time, when creating instructions, I find many errors, such as overlapping bricks or when building with instruction I find many stabilization problems. I make a lot of corrections in this process. Many times I even have to completely redesign a given part, such as the roof. However, building these complex structures is truly a pleasure. I decided to keep all buildings closed. I mean built up all around. However, each one is modular, you can easily get inside by removing the next floor or roof. It's nothing out of the ordinary, just like the blacksmith building in LEGO Icons.

Brcked MiddleEarth
Detachable roof

However, in the end I am satisfied with creating a stable structure with a fully developed interior.
I also make all the instructions available on Rebrickable if anyone is interested in building it.

Brcked MiddleEarth
Bank interior

This is the general outline of creating sets on Midbrisic. If there is more interest, I can describe a given aspect in more detail in the next article. I've been focusing heavily on Bree Town and so far I'm happy with the results.

Brcked MiddleEarth
Road from west gate

However, this is not the only location I want to create from Tolkien's universe. LOTRO gives a lot of inspiration, but it requires some time to build a new structure and polish it. Nevertheless, something new will appear here from time to time!
Feel free to check upcoming sets here. Thanks for your interest.
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