Buildings cellars on marketplace

2023, nov 2 01:01
Brcked MiddleEarth
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Buildings cellars on marketplace

I continue to work on the marketplace and wonder how to fill the interior of these two buildings.

Further part of article

I thought it would be best to use these cellars as storage for the marketplace.
Brcked MiddleEarth
Cellar of tools vendor
The first vendor will sell tools.
Brcked MiddleEarth
Cellar of tools vendor
It also has a clever log storage compartment
Brcked MiddleEarth
Cellar of foods vendor
The second seller will sell food and jars of jam. I hope this makes sense :) It is always an interesting challenge to fill the entire interior of any building. I suspect this isn't standard practice when building a larger town, although that doesn't deter me. It is really interesting to decorate interiors using interesting techniques and elements. One may probably wonder why I am still using old torches for indoor buildings. Honestly, this is my small tribute to the classic age. I want all the torches in my Bree to be yellow-trans cone style and classic style fireplaces with 1x1 red/yellow trans round plates. Not everything has to be blazing orange!

Best regards!
Modified 2023, nov 2 09:35 by Rogdush
Views: 3139
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