Stage 4: Next part

2023, dec 3 02:09
Brcked MiddleEarth
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Stage 4\: Next part

Im still working on bringing my brick creation into real thing

Further part of article

Probably no one reads this, but I still think it's worth letting people know what I'm planning next :D
In fact, the plan for the entire structure was created during a difficult few days when I was sitting practically glued for 15 hours a day just to put what I had in my head into a bricked plan construction. Yes, I have the entire plan ready in Brick Studio, but it's just a plan. When I'm building it, I still have a lot of problems transferring it into a real, stable structure. There are many mistakes, many omissions, many imperfections. I fix almost everything everywhere. It's a total disaster. However, Im pushing forward part by part and here are the results. As long as anyone reads this :D In what I doubt totally lol.

Brcked MiddleEarth
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Brcked MiddleEarth
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Brcked MiddleEarth
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Brcked MiddleEarth
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Modified 2023, dec 3 02:44 by Rogdush
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